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Lithops, Conophytum and other Mesembs:Achim Hecktheuer
Excellent site listing many Conophytum, Lithops and other mesembs. Location maps, photos, and synonyms. Plants listed by family and genus.

Extensive Japanese site on Mesembs - particularly Conophytums
Some wonderful photos, but text in Japanese. A great 'browsing' site.

Little Sphaeroid Press
Mesemb and other publications.

Tom's Conophytum Site
Habitat photos, mainly of Conophytum.

Saphesia Mesemb Site:by Lorenzo Stocco
Another foreign language site, this one is Italien, which at least is slightly easier to read than Russian! (Unless your Russian I guess.) Features Mesembs quite heavily.

A new site with some absolutely wonderful photographs of Conophytums, also Haworthias and some of Joyces marvellous drawings to boot! Also features advice on how to translate the site to foreign languages, and a discussion forum.

Keith Green's Scrapbook Lithops

Fabulous Lithops site, with a vast number of photographs. I have not checked but it looks like every Cole Numbered plant is illustrated. A German site with English translation pages. Plants also categorised by Flower size, Name, Cole Number, Name with Cole Number. Also available is a downloadable file containing all the Locality Data for Cole numbered plants.
Links to other sites, Lithops books and a list of cultivars complete this very comprehensive site for Lithops lovers.

Visit to Lithops sites in Namibia
By Tok Schoeman

Mesembs Yahoo Forum
Forum set up for Mesembophiles. Usual group of suspects already members, and a wealth of knowledge to be had.

Mesemb Photographs.
Just follow the links. I have NEVER seen photographs like these before. They are absolutely STUNNING!.
Spare some time to browse the whole site. This guy is a professional photographer, and is he good? Is he ever?
Here is the site's home page. Check out the Black and White photos of Cacti. Cool.

Vick Knight on Conophytums (45 minute video)

Frithia pulchra 'minor' 11k

Frithia pulchra "minor"

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